Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Steppin’ Out 3; Dave

I agree, in our broken world, there is only so much we can do. In engineering or physical terms there is always a question of benefits vs costs. And if that were the only reason we tried to do this, it would be frustrating and disappointing. And this is exactly what I have been struggling with for the last couple of years. If I'm starting to get the whole missional and even Presbyterian thing straight, are we not supposed to offer the good news of the Gospel and do it in a way that connects with people's lives? We get no guarantees that we'll see the benefits. As Houston has pointed out; plow, plant, pray. This is very tough for the engineering minds you and I have!

I could make the argument that having the mindset to plan, budget, and save is even dwindling in the middle class, particularly the younger generations. The bottom line is that no hope (or a "whatever" attitude) leads to no planning.

If we did this the traditional way, we would try to teach Crown or Ramsey to the WHES folks. In the missional approach we should realize we're all on this journey together and have different experiences to bring to the table. With economic coaching, peer sharing, a lot of spiritual leadership, and an immense involvement of the Holy Spirit, we would all benefit greatly! Even if our physical conditions don't improve much. The objective is to "Explore together how God wants us to think about money", not, "We need to show you how to handle your money." The second is doomed to failure because no one should be casting stones.

If we should decide to venture down this path, I suspect we Faith members that participate will also need a great deal of spiritual leadership to help us change our views, expectations, and motives. It's likely we would need additional sessions where we meet as Faith, without WHES. Dare I say counseling sessions? This is not for the faint of heart and not to be entered into lightly.

Whoa, I never know where He is going to take me!?

Struggling in prayer,

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