Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Steppin’ Out 1; Dave

I saw [the Discipleship Group] page in the newsletter. I've been having some thoughts about the Dave Ramsey or Crown Ministries class.

Is there a version of either of these classes that has a primer or, for lack of a better word, a triage scope? I keep thinking about the continually souring economic news as well as the economic status of the folks that generally make up West Huntsville Elementary. (See first link below.) Is there a class that would be appropriate to hold at WHES for Faith members as well as WHES parents? Something that focuses on basic money management (scriptural of course) that spans the economic gap? Something that can bring both sets of folks together to share experiences?

It looks like Asbury is offering something this January. (See second link.) But the outline strikes me as something exclusively for Asbury "class" members that are basically well off, like Faith. If we remain inwardly focused I would expect our class to look similar.



Food for thought…


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