Sunday, November 1, 2009

Can We Part Friends?

Things are looking up for Faith right now. We have a new pastor coming, the Fellowship Hall will be reopening imminently, and the budget is more stable. With a new and much anticipated sense of normalcy present there are also strong forces to restart a contemporary worship service and un-blend the traditional service. I have spoken several times in this blog about my support for multiple format worship services. Particularly September 2009 and November 2008 and maybe a few more times in between.

I suppose this entry's title should more correctly be "Can We Part as Brothers & Sisters in Christ?" I have concerns that we are not quite ready to part into two services in a healthy way. I get the sense right now that the parting is based on dividing rather than multiplying. I could be wrong and I pray that I am, but I would like to pose several questions each of us needs to prayerfully consider.

Are we multiplying with a sense of new mission to address a need?

Are we dividing to get back to something we are comfortable with?

Who would you invite to the service you feel more connected to?

Who would you invite to the service you feel less connected to?

Are you willing to serve the service you feel less connected to? Usher? Read? Child care? Flowers? Sound booth? Media operator? Attend? Children's sermon? Setup? Cleanup?

Are the plans inclusive or exclusive?

Do you look forward to a regular "joint" service as an opportunity of sharing, experiencing, and learning?

Can or should this wait just a little longer to give God and the new pastor a chance to work on healing our hearts so we can part as Siblings in Christ?

Some important things to pray about!


1 comment:

DSM35803 said...

After today's sermon I have to ask another question. Are we trying to rush through the work necessary in the "neutral zone" between the past and the future?