Tuesday, December 9, 2008

12 Days Check-in

This has been an interesting walk so far!

You get the kernel of an idea and you show it to some folks and what do you get? “That’s a great idea! I’m behind you!” Then nothing…

OK Lord what do I do now?

So He gives you a few ideas and you piece together a little more to help get the idea across. You spread the net a little wider to see if you can generate any momentum and get some ideas flowing. “That’s a great idea!” “I’ll help any way I can, just let me know.” “I’ll be out of town.” You do get some more encouragement but not a lot of concrete help. It’s starting to look like it will be all on your shoulders or nothing. It’s starting to sound like my plan not God’s?

OK Lord what do I do now? How do I know if it’s a bad idea? Or not time? Or just move forward in faith?

So you put together an announcement to have sent to the whole congregation; still with a lot of holes. You send it to some folks for review first. “You need more information..” Well, you’re at the end of your rope and are just about to pack it in. But you wake up with the right thing to add, and then find that someone has sent you an email with some help too!

OK Lord, I have a congregational announcement out there that is incomplete and begging for input. What if no one signs up? It’s in your hands now.

(In the meantime, the pressures of a looming deadline at work as well as your own preparations for the holidays are weighing heavy!)

On the way to work listening to 91.3 you hear three songs that could easily provide the devotion for three of the topics! A backup plan!

And that is where we are now…still walking…
Checkout: http://presby.org/pages.php?page=08/11/30/6479050

I’m not trying to make anyone feel guilty here, or singling anyone out, and I’m not twisting arms. I myself feel convicted here because I see myself in a lot of those responses! It’s sometimes a relief that I have an out because of a prior commitment. I would like to help but don’t know how. I’m too busy to even think about that.

But I am getting a tiny glimpse of the Kingdom! You’ve heard the phrase “Engage brain before running mouth”? Well that simple glimpse is “Talk with God before answering.”

Sorry if this offends anyone. That is not the intent. I’m just reporting some insights into human nature that I’ve seen, but more importantly, some insights into how God works and his plan.

Keep walking!

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